Arlington’s GM plant = corroZive oZone, pleaZe attend COG SMOG plan meetn’ or breathe FOG thru 2018

Actually we've been non-compliant to federal clean air standards for what.....25 years now?

Actually we’ve been non-compliant to federal clean air standards for what…..25 years now?

Everybody in the DFW metroplex needs to save this date to attend at 10 am on June 16 or send someone who can….email your reps, church clergy, civic leaders, teachers, nurses… U get the idea!!! to attend.

This planning effort affects how much ozone we HAVE to breathe clear up to 2018…shoot to lower the ozone by as much as is humanly possible …they are aiming at (an unhealthy) 75 ppb when the World Health Organization says to limit exposures to 50 ppb…..others say anything above 35 ppb isn’t healthy….shoot for the moon ya’ll…

inaction will shoot ya in the lungs!


In commenting on our city blog site gloating over the Arlington General Motors plant’s 60th birthday, I commented, “The trade off for these jobs is that the workers get exposed as well as those downwind (when its blowing) …..In 2011, GM had 657 tons per year of contaminants reported to TCEQ which by the way equates to 5,211 pounds of ozone per day.

GM does not include the pollution from the Chesapeake padsites on their state annual emissions inventory. Adding gaswells near this “high density of humans” area adds to the mix of (additional) unregulated multiple, cummulative, probably syngeristic emissions wafting to Six Flags and the stadiums in our Entertainment District.

I pleaded with our City Council to not approve the permit for the gas wells at GM and near the Cowboys Stadium because the area was already filled with pollution from the GM plant and nearby paint shops, but all they want is the drilling revenue money so I can logically say that all we R is jus’ a bunch of guinea pigs to them.

How fitting that those in this pic are really lung enemies ….Cluck, Barton, Perry…I wonder how our Chamber of Commerce folks and members really care about what SMOG does for our attracting new business?

If YOU care about SMOG contact me ( to be put on a communication for an upcoming NCTCOG SMOG meeting on June 16 at 10 am at 616 Six Flags Drive Arlington, TX 76005-5888. This “plan” to come into Federal Ozone standards will decide what we breathe clear up to 2018.

This SIP (state Implementation Plan) will be live tested and too little too late if we fail to meet an already miserable goal of an unhealthy 75 ppb standard in the first place.

We need folks to drum up people/representatives/Chamber of Commerce members/other civic AND RELIGIOUS leaders….hello…Councilman Glaspie… etc… to attend to “try” to get some speaking time, or  at least have their handwritten pleas to hand deliver to our TCEQ people.

We need to make a stand…a really grand one because The World Health Organization ozone guideline is 50 ppb.

I count this GM plant expansion and 60th b-day to really be a grand fail for air quality in Arlington especially in light of them making those huge SUV’s to run on old skool fossil fuels.”


Does anybody know if our Arlington GM plant uses Best Available Control Technologies like in this GM video here for their Canada facilities?

Click here to see a list of other related blogs to GM, the GM rash?, the NCTCOG, and other GM related “issues”.

About Kim Triolo Feil

Since TX Statute 253.005 forbids drilling in heavily settled municipalities, I unsuccessfully ran for City Council Seat to try to enforce this. Since Urban Drilling, our drinking water has almost tripled for TTHM's. Before moving to Arlington in 1990, I lived in Norco’s “cancer alley”, a refinery town. It was only after Urban Drilling in Arlington did I start having health effects. After our drill site was established closest to my home, the chronic nosebleeds started. I know there are more canaries here in Arlington having reactions to our industrialized airshed (we have 55-60 padsites of gas wells). Come forward and report to me those having health issues especially if you live to the north/northwest of a drill site so I can map your health effects on this blog. My youtube account is KimFeilGood. FAIR USE NOTICE: THIS SITE MAY CONTAIN COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL THE USE OF WHICH HAS NOT ALWAYS BEEN SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY THE COPYRIGHT OWNER. MATERIAL FROM DIVERSE AND SOMETIMES TEMPORARY SOURCES IS BEING MADE AVAILABLE IN A PERMANENT UNIFIED MANNER, AS PART OF AN EFFORT TO ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING OF THE SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH EMINENT DOMAIN AND THE PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE (AMONG OTHER THINGS). IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS IS A 'FAIR USE' OF THE INFORMATION AS ALLOWED UNDER SECTION 107 OF THE US COPYRIGHT LAW. IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 USC SECTION 107, THE SITE IS MAINTAINED WITHOUT PROFIT FOR THOSE WHO ACCESS IT FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE: HTTP://WWW.LAW.CORNELL.EDU/ TO USE MATERIAL REPRODUCED ON THIS SITE FOR PURPOSES THAT GO BEYOND 'FAIR USE', PERMISSION IS REQUIRED FROM THE COPYRIGHT OWNER INDICATED WITH A NAME AND INTERNET LINK AT THE END OF EACH ITEM. (NOTE: THE TEXT OF THIS NOTICE WAS ALSO LIFTED FROM CORRIDORNEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM)
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