BEWARE buying a D.R. Horton Home due to: Reverse Setback Issues & Withheld Minerals in Urban Drilling Towns, plus Defective Construction Claims

The City of Arlington proudly blogged about a new business making it’s headquarters home in Arlington……

dr horton

City link

….and I commented,“This would be the same company in the news in Denton that was able to get around city setback limits from frack sites’ “reverse setback”  in building near ‘existing’ frack sites…sux”.

And D.R. Horton has also been in the news for hoarding mineral rights…

Back in 2012, D.R. Horton was in the news for lending concerns……

dr horton lending

But most notable is THIS story explains the reverse setback issue…

“Before closing the deal, Alyse, an electrical engineer in her 20s, asked the salesperson about storage tanks she’d noticed in the field several hundred feet behind the house. The salesperson said they were water tanks, Alyse recalls. She took this to mean the tanks had something to do with the drinking-water supply. 

What the Ogletrees didn’t realize was that they were purchasing a home in a neighborhood near several of Denton’s more than 270 gas wells. …….

In January of 2013, the city council approved new rules that, at first glance, seemed like a victory for fracking opponents. For instance, new wells could not be drilled within 1,200 feet of houses. But there were two important loopholes: The rule didn’t apply to existing wells, many of which were vertical and could be redrilled horizontally and fracked much closer than 1,200 feet to homes. Secondly, housing developers, like D.R. Horton, which built the Meadows, could proceed to build homes they had already planned as close as 250 feet to existing wells. Because Denton has so many existing wells, those loopholes essentially rendered the 1,200-foot rule irrelevant, fracking opponents say”. 

But if co-existing near fracking doesn’t bother you, maybe defective construction does as this case claims….

Here is a link to other similar construction defect claims/suits.

About Kim Triolo Feil

Since TX Statute 253.005 forbids drilling in heavily settled municipalities, I unsuccessfully ran for City Council Seat to try to enforce this. Since Urban Drilling, our drinking water has almost tripled for TTHM's. Before moving to Arlington in 1990, I lived in Norco’s “cancer alley”, a refinery town. It was only after Urban Drilling in Arlington did I start having health effects. After our drill site was established closest to my home, the chronic nosebleeds started. I know there are more canaries here in Arlington having reactions to our industrialized airshed (we have 55-60 padsites of gas wells). Come forward and report to me those having health issues especially if you live to the north/northwest of a drill site so I can map your health effects on this blog. My youtube account is KimFeilGood. FAIR USE NOTICE: THIS SITE MAY CONTAIN COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL THE USE OF WHICH HAS NOT ALWAYS BEEN SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY THE COPYRIGHT OWNER. MATERIAL FROM DIVERSE AND SOMETIMES TEMPORARY SOURCES IS BEING MADE AVAILABLE IN A PERMANENT UNIFIED MANNER, AS PART OF AN EFFORT TO ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING OF THE SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH EMINENT DOMAIN AND THE PRIVATIZATION OF PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE (AMONG OTHER THINGS). IT IS BELIEVED THAT THIS IS A 'FAIR USE' OF THE INFORMATION AS ALLOWED UNDER SECTION 107 OF THE US COPYRIGHT LAW. IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 17 USC SECTION 107, THE SITE IS MAINTAINED WITHOUT PROFIT FOR THOSE WHO ACCESS IT FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE: HTTP://WWW.LAW.CORNELL.EDU/ TO USE MATERIAL REPRODUCED ON THIS SITE FOR PURPOSES THAT GO BEYOND 'FAIR USE', PERMISSION IS REQUIRED FROM THE COPYRIGHT OWNER INDICATED WITH A NAME AND INTERNET LINK AT THE END OF EACH ITEM. (NOTE: THE TEXT OF THIS NOTICE WAS ALSO LIFTED FROM CORRIDORNEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM)
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